Queensland Map

Explore the map of Queensland, Queensland is a state in northeastern Australia, known for being the most tropical and one of the wettest areas of the continent. It is surrounded by the Coral Sea, a part of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, to the north and east. The state shares its southern border with New South Wales, its southwestern border with South Australia, and its western border with the Northern Territory. Brisbane, located on the southeastern coast, is the capital of Queensland.

Queensland Map

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About Queensland Map

Explore the map of Queensland state of Australia, it is located in northeastern Australia, and is the 2nd largest and 3rd most populous state.


Queensland, known as the Sunshine State, is the second-largest and third-most populous state in Australia. It offers an impressive mix of natural wonders, vibrant cities, and dynamic cultures. This page explores Queensland's geography, climate, economy, and attractions, providing a comprehensive overview of what makes this state unique and inviting.

Geography and Climate

Queensland spans the northeast corner of Australia, covering an area of over 1.8 million square kilometers. Its diverse landscape includes tropical rainforests, vast outback plains, mountain ranges, and pristine beaches. The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, lies off the coast, showcasing an extraordinary underwater world.

The state experiences a wide range of climates, from tropical in the north to temperate in the southeast. This variety allows for a multitude of outdoor activities and lifestyles, making Queensland a year-round destination for residents and visitors alike.


Queensland's economy is robust and diverse, with significant contributions from agriculture, mining, tourism, and services. The state is a major producer of fruits, vegetables, and sugarcane, thanks to its fertile lands and favorable climate. It is also rich in natural resources, including coal, minerals, and natural gas, making it a key player in Australia's mining industry.

Tourism plays a vital role in Queensland's economy, with attractions like the Great Barrier Reef, the Daintree Rainforest, and the Whitsunday Islands drawing visitors from around the globe. Additionally, Queensland's cities, such as Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Cairns, are thriving hubs for business, education, and culture.

Attractions and Lifestyle

Queensland is famous for its outdoor lifestyle and breathtaking natural attractions. The state's national parks offer endless opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife watching, while its beaches are perfect for surfing, swimming, and relaxation.

Cultural activities abound, with numerous festivals, museums, and galleries throughout the state. Queensland also has a vibrant dining scene, featuring fresh local produce and seafood. For thrill-seekers, theme parks on the Gold Coast offer world-class entertainment.

Education and Research

The state is home to several leading universities and research institutions, attracting students and academics from across the world. Queensland's commitment to education and innovation fosters a skilled workforce and advances in technology, health, and environmental conservation.

Community and Diversity

Queensland's population is diverse, with a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. Indigenous Australian heritage is an integral part of the state's identity, with communities throughout Queensland maintaining their cultural practices and connection to the land.

Queensland is a state of contrasts, from its tropical rainforests and vast deserts to its modern cities and quiet beach towns. Its diverse geography, warm climate, and dynamic economy create a unique and appealing environment. Whether you're drawn to the adventure of the great outdoors, the excitement of city life, or the tranquility of coastal retreats, Queensland offers something for everyone. With its commitment to sustainability, education, and cultural diversity, Queensland continues to be a vibrant and welcoming place to live, work, and explore.

History of Queensland

The history of Queensland, the Sunshine State of Australia, is a rich and diverse narrative that spans thousands of years, from the ancient cultures of its Indigenous peoples to its status as a dynamic and multicultural state in the modern era. This page delves into the key periods and events that have shaped Queensland's history, highlighting the resilience, innovation, and cultural diversity of its people.

Indigenous Heritage

Long before European settlers arrived, Queensland was home to a vast array of Indigenous Australian nations, each with their own languages, laws, and connection to the land. These communities thrived through sophisticated land management practices, such as controlled burning, fishing, and farming. Their deep spiritual and cultural ties to their country are evident in rock art, ceremonial sites, and oral histories that continue to be passed down through generations.

European Exploration

The coast of Queensland was first sighted by European explorers in the 17th century, but it was not until the late 18th and early 19th centuries that it was explored more thoroughly. Notable expeditions by James Cook in 1770 and Matthew Flinders in the early 1800s mapped the coastline and paved the way for future settlement.

Settlement and Colonization

Queensland began its colonial history as part of the New South Wales colony, with the first European settlement established at Moreton Bay (now Brisbane) in 1824 as a penal colony. As free settlers moved into the area, the push for separation from New South Wales grew, culminating in Queensland being proclaimed a separate colony in 1859, with Brisbane as its capital.

Growth and Development

The discovery of gold and other minerals in the second half of the 19th century led to a boom in Queensland's population and economy. Agriculture also became a cornerstone of the economy, with the cultivation of crops like sugar cane, bananas, and pineapples thriving in the state's tropical and subtropical climate.

Indigenous Displacement and Resistance

The expansion of European settlement had a profound and often devastating impact on Indigenous communities. Dispossession of land, violence, and introduced diseases dramatically reduced Indigenous populations. Despite this, Indigenous Queenslanders resisted displacement and worked to maintain their cultures and communities, a struggle that continues to be recognized and reconciled today.

20th Century to Present

Throughout the 20th century, Queensland played a vital role in both World Wars, with Brisbane serving as a major military base in the Pacific during World War II. Post-war migration from Europe and later from Asia transformed Queensland into a vibrant and diverse society.

The state has also seen significant political, social, and environmental movements, from the landmark Indigenous land rights case of Mabo in the early 1990s to ongoing efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef and combat climate change.

In recent decades, Queensland's economy has diversified further, with tourism, education, and technology becoming major sectors alongside traditional industries like agriculture and mining. The state has hosted significant international events, including the Commonwealth Games, showcasing its growth and development on the world stage.

The history of Queensland is a story of transformation, resilience, and diversity. From its ancient Indigenous cultures to its contemporary multicultural society, Queensland's past is a rich tapestry that has shaped the identity of the state and its people. As Queensland looks to the future, it carries forward the lessons and legacies of its history, continuing to evolve and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Geography of Queensland

Queensland, often referred to as the Sunshine State, is a region of remarkable geographical diversity and natural beauty. Spanning the northeast corner of Australia, it encompasses a vast array of landscapes, from tropical rainforests and stunning beaches to arid outback deserts and fertile agricultural lands. This page explores the rich geographical features of Queensland, shedding light on the natural wonders that make it a unique and cherished part of Australia.

Location and Size

Queensland is Australia's second-largest state, covering an area of approximately 1.85 million square kilometers. It stretches from the Torres Strait in the north to the New South Wales border in the south, with a coastline that extends for nearly 7,000 kilometers along the Pacific Ocean and the Coral Sea.


The state experiences a wide range of climate zones, from tropical in the far north to temperate in the southeast. The tropical north, including cities like Cairns and Townsville, enjoys hot, wet summers and mild, dry winters. The southeast, including the capital city Brisbane, experiences a subtropical climate with warm summers and mild winters. The interior of the state, known as the outback, is characterized by arid and semi-arid climates, with hot days and cool nights.

Natural Landscapes

The Great Barrier Reef

One of the state's most iconic natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, home to an extraordinary diversity of marine life. It stretches over 2,300 kilometers along Queensland's coast and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Queensland is home to ancient rainforests, including the Daintree – the oldest tropical rainforest on Earth. The Wet Tropics of Queensland, another World Heritage Site, encompasses lush rainforests that are rich in unique flora and fauna.


The vast, rugged landscapes of the Queensland outback offer a stark contrast to the state's coastal areas. Towns like Longreach and Birdsville serve as gateways to exploring this remote and beautiful part of Australia.

Rivers and Lakes

Queensland's geography includes significant river systems, such as the Brisbane, Fitzroy, and Burdekin Rivers, which are vital for the state's agriculture and ecosystems. Lake Eyre, Australia's largest salt lake, occasionally fills with water from Queensland's rivers, creating a spectacular natural phenomenon.

Islands and Beaches

Queensland boasts some of the world's most beautiful islands and beaches. The Whitsunday Islands, Fraser Island (the largest sand island in the world), and Moreton Island are just a few of the breathtaking destinations along the coast. The state's beaches, including those on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, are renowned for their beauty and are popular for swimming, surfing, and relaxation.

Flora and Fauna

The diverse climates and landscapes of Queensland support a wide variety of plant and animal life. The state is home to unique species such as the koala, platypus, and cassowary, as well as numerous other mammals, birds, reptiles, and marine creatures. Queensland's national parks and reserves protect many of these species and their habitats.

Queensland's geography is as diverse as it is beautiful, offering everything from world-renowned natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef and ancient rainforests to the vast, open spaces of the outback. This geographical diversity not only makes Queensland a fascinating place to explore but also supports a wide range of industries, lifestyles, and communities. Whether you're drawn to the vibrant life of its cities, the tranquility of its beaches and islands, or the adventure of its remote landscapes, Queensland's geography has something for everyone.

Demographics of Queensland

Queensland, often referred to as the Sunshine State, is a vibrant and diverse region of Australia known for its stunning landscapes, warm climate, and friendly communities. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the demographics of Queensland, highlighting the population's composition, growth trends, cultural diversity, and distribution across the state.

Population Size and Growth

Queensland is home to over 5 million people, making it the third-most populous state in Australia. The population is concentrated along the coastal areas, with Brisbane, the state capital, being the most populous city. Queensland's population has been growing steadily, driven by high birth rates, domestic migration, and international immigration, making it one of the fastest-growing regions in the country.

Age Distribution

The age distribution in Queensland is relatively balanced, with a median age in the early to mid-30s. The state has a significant proportion of young families and children, reflecting its popularity among those starting or expanding their families. It also has a growing number of elderly residents, with communities in areas like the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast attracting retirees with their warm climate and relaxed lifestyle.

Cultural Diversity

Queensland is a culturally diverse state, with a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and religions. While the majority of Queenslanders were born in Australia, there is a significant portion of the population that comes from overseas, with the United Kingdom, New Zealand, India, and China being the top countries of birth for immigrants. This diversity is celebrated through various cultural festivals, food, and community events throughout the year.

Indigenous Population

The Indigenous population, including both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, plays a crucial role in the cultural fabric of Queensland. They are the state's first inhabitants, with a history stretching back tens of thousands of years. Queensland has one of the highest proportions of Indigenous Australians of any Australian state or territory, with communities spread across the state, from remote areas to urban centers.


English is the predominant language spoken in Queensland homes. However, due to the state's cultural diversity, a variety of languages are spoken, reflecting the multicultural makeup of the population. Indigenous languages, as well as languages from Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world, contribute to the linguistic diversity of Queensland.


Queensland's population practices a wide range of religions, with Christianity being the most common. However, there are also significant communities of people who practice Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other faiths, as well as a growing number of people who identify as having no religion, reflecting broader national trends towards secularism.

Urban and Regional Distribution

While a significant portion of Queensland's population lives in Brisbane and other coastal cities such as the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast, many Queenslanders live in regional and rural areas. These areas are known for their agriculture, mining, and tourism industries, and they play a vital role in the state's economy and cultural identity. The state government and community organizations work to ensure that these regions have access to services and opportunities comparable to those in urban areas.

The demographics of Queensland reflect a state that is growing, dynamic, and culturally diverse. With its mix of urban and rural communities, vibrant multicultural population, and strong Indigenous heritage, Queensland is a place where tradition and innovation coexist. As the state continues to grow and evolve, its people remain at the heart of what makes Queensland a unique and welcoming place to live, work, and explore.

Economy of Queensland

Queensland, known as the Sunshine State, is a dynamic and prosperous region of Australia, boasting a diverse and robust economy. Its economic landscape is shaped by its vast natural resources, vibrant tourism sector, innovative technology industries, and a strong agricultural tradition. This page provides an overview of the key sectors contributing to Queensland's economy, demonstrating how the state has become a significant player in both the national and global markets.


Agriculture has long been the backbone of Queensland's economy, with the state's vast and varied climate zones allowing for a wide range of produce. Queensland is Australia's largest producer of sugarcane, bananas, and a variety of other fruits and vegetables. Beef cattle farming also plays a crucial role, with Queensland being the country's leading beef producer. The state's commitment to sustainable practices and innovation continues to drive the agricultural sector forward.

Mining and Resources

Queensland is rich in natural resources, including coal, minerals, and natural gas. The Bowen Basin is one of the world's largest coal reserves, and the Surat and Bowen basins are key areas for natural gas extraction, including coal seam gas. These resources are significant contributors to both the state and national economy, with a large portion of the production exported internationally.


With its stunning natural attractions, including the Great Barrier Reef, ancient rainforests, and idyllic islands, Queensland is a premier tourist destination. Tourism is a major economic driver, creating jobs, and supporting local businesses across the state. From luxury resorts to eco-tourism adventures, Queensland offers diverse experiences that attract millions of domestic and international visitors each year.

Services Sector

The services sector, encompassing healthcare, education, retail, and finance, is a major employer in Queensland. Brisbane, the state capital, is a hub for professional services, innovation, and education, hosting several universities and research institutions recognized globally. The growth of the technology sector, including IT, biotechnology, and startup ecosystems, highlights Queensland's evolving economy.


Manufacturing in Queensland is diverse, spanning traditional industries such as food processing and metal fabrication to advanced manufacturing in aerospace, biotechnology, and renewable energy equipment. The state government's focus on innovation and technology adoption has positioned Queensland as a leader in high-value, sustainable manufacturing practices.

Infrastructure and Construction

Significant investment in infrastructure, including transport, health, and education facilities, supports Queensland's growing population and economic development. The construction sector is vital, contributing to the state's economy through residential, commercial, and public projects, enhancing the livability and connectivity of Queensland's communities.

Renewable Energy

Queensland is at the forefront of the transition to renewable energy in Australia, with abundant solar, wind, and bioenergy resources. Investments in renewable energy projects, including solar farms and wind parks, not only contribute to the state's energy security but also position Queensland as a leader in sustainable energy production.

The economy of Queensland is characterized by its diversity, resilience, and innovation. From its agricultural roots to its burgeoning technology and renewable energy sectors, Queensland continues to evolve, embracing new opportunities while supporting its traditional industries. With its natural advantages and strategic investments, Queensland is well-placed to continue its growth trajectory, contributing to the prosperity and well-being of its residents and playing a pivotal role in the broader Australian economy.